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The Gardena High School Alumni Association (GHSAA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operating in California. Being a 501(c)(3) helps further our commitment to fund development, providing financial assistance, volunteerism, networking, and career service support on behalf of current students and alumni of Gardena High School.


Consistent with our embrace of transparency and accountability, we adhere to the provisions of the Brown Act, the California law that ensures all meetings of non-profit governance boards are conducted in a manner that is both open to the public and accessible to the press and other members of the public. The Brown Act requires that public meetings be noticed sufficiently and outlines the kinds of notices, including the following:


  1. A written notice must be posted on the office of the local agency (or its website if applicable) at least 72 hours before the meeting.

  2. A copy of the agenda must be made available to the public before the meeting is held.

  3. Any material to be discussed at the meeting must be made available for public scrutiny before the meeting.

  4. An accurately kept record of the meeting proceedings must be kept and maintained.

  5. Minutes of the meeting shall be made available to the public no later than 10 days after the meeting occurs

Importantly, the Brown Act makes provisions for the public to have a role in the meetings. The public may offer comment and/or participate in the proceedings in a non-disruptive manner during the meeting.

Non-Profit Status
Board of Directors

GHSAA Board of Directors


Shirley Warren

Board President

Class of 1974

Rekesha Dennis

Class of 1998

Rosie Gaspar

Class of 2021

Anthony Jackson

Class of 1977

Karen Millom

Class of 1973


Philip Johnson

Class of 1978

Raymond Endow

Class of 1983

Salli Hale

Class of 1973

Tamara Kemp

Class of 1976

James Russ Robinson

Class of 1959

Daisy Cardenas


Class of 2016

Nancy Fertig

Class of 1968

Crystal Hawkins

Class of 2003

Elmer Membreño

Class of 2007

Zerrona Williams

Class of 2000



The Gardena High School Alumni Association By-Laws serve as the foundation for the operations and governance of the association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in the state of California. These by-laws were officially voted on and approved in the fall of 2023, outlining the structure, roles, responsibilities, and processes that govern the association. Adhering to these by-laws ensures transparency, accountability, and effectiveness in fulfilling the mission and goals of the Gardena High School Alumni Association.




Agendas + Minutes

GHSAA Board of Directors Meeting Agendas and Minutes

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Gardena High School Alumni Association is required to maintain transparency and accountability in its operations. One important aspect of this is the public posting of Board of Directors meeting agendas and minutes. By making these documents accessible to the public, the association demonstrates its commitment to openness and engagement with its stakeholders. This practice also helps to promote trust and confidence in the organization's decision-making processes, ensuring that the interests of both the association and the community it serves are upheld.

January 22, 2024                                                   February 26, 2024






March 18, 2024                                                         April 22, 2024






May 20, 2024                                                         June 24, 2024






   August 19, 2024                                                    September 16, 2024






October 21, 2024                                                   November 18, 2024






December 9, 2024                                                                                   







© 2024 Gardena High School Alumni Association. All Rights Reserved.  

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